Circularity in the steel packaging sector: an analysis of the main barriers and opportunities
Circular economy, Steel packaging, Circular supply chain, Barriers, EnablersResumo
Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the map the life cycle of steel packaging, investigate the barriers and enablers to the adoption of circular practices in the steel packaging sector in Brazil.
Theoretical framework: The Consist of adoption of a circular model of production and consumption, in which post-consumer raw materials are reintegrated into their respective value chains. Methodology/Approach: A literature review is combined with qualitative research involving key sector experts to examine how the Brazilian steel packaging sector can transition to a more circular value chain.
Findings: The results of research indicate that steel packaging has the potential to join a group of products with closed-loop production cycles and that steel can be recycled indefinitely without losing the original properties.
Research, practical & social implications: The study contributes by elucidating that complete recycling of post-use steel packaging, would obviate the necessity for extracting iron ore to produce new steel packaging.
Originality/ Value: The value of study it focused on the concepts of circular economy, emphasizing the reverse logistics pillar for materials in a closed loop, enabling the reintegration of materials at the beginning of their life cycle. It demonstrated that the technical characteristics of steel packaging within the value chain allow post-use material to be reintegrated at the chain's inception.
Keywords: Circular economy. Steel packaging. Circular supply chain. Barriers. Enablers.
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