Low-carbon initiatives in the pulp and paper industry and the contributions to the carbon market in Brazil: an analysis of sustainability reports






low-carbon economies, carbon-neutral companies, carbon market, net-zero emissions practices


Purpose: This paper analyzes the low-carbon initiatives of Brazilian pulp and paper companies, highlighting their relevance to the national carbon market.
Methodology/Approach: The adopted method consists of documentary research, using secondary data from sustainability reports and institutional websites of the pulp and paper companies studied. The study analyzed the five largest companies in the sector in Brazil.
Findings: The pulp and paper companies analyzed adopt low-carbon practices, such as emission inventory, eco-efficient operations, replacement of fossil fuel-based products, sustainable products, and biomass utilization. In the carbon market, they operate through certifications, carbon sequestration projects, and credit sales.
Research, practical & social implications: The study provides a detailed analysis of the decarbonization strategies adopted by companies in the pulp and paper sector, establishing a robust theoretical basis for understanding low-carbon economy practices.
Originality/ Value: By demonstrating paths to sustainability, this work offers guidelines for companies within and outside the pulp and paper sector, driving the adoption of more environmentally friendly practices.
Keywords: low-carbon economies; carbon-neutral companies; carbon market; net-zero emissions practices.


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Como Citar

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