The use of traceability information throughout the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry’s supply chain


  • Vitor Hugo Strozzi Universidade Positivo / Faculdade Cenecista de Campo Largo
  • Alexandre Reis Graeml Universidade Positivo/Univ. Tecnológica Federal do Paraná



This paper analyzes the information flow along the pharmaceutical industry’s value chain, focusing on traceability data that is gathered in compliance with the country’s legislation. The objective of the study was to find out how such transactional data converts into information for tactical and strategic decision making. Eight key executives were interviewed, including: the president of the National Association of Pharmaceutical Laboratories; the president of the wholesalers’ association and executives of two IT companies that collect and distribute information and market intelligence. Results show that the huge amount of data which results from the obligation of the pharmaceutical industry in tracing its products, can be (and is) used to better understand the market. While the sales force uses it as an instrument to determine sales targets and objectives, marketing people use it as a tool for strategic planning for future market action.

Keywords: pharmaceutical industry; traceability; supply chain; information flow

Biografia do Autor

Vitor Hugo Strozzi, Universidade Positivo / Faculdade Cenecista de Campo Largo

Cursou o mestrado profissionalizante na Esade em Barcelona (1981) e cursa o mestrado em administração da Universidade Positivo. Possui graduação em economia pela Faculdade Católica de Administração e Economia (1973). Atualmente é consultor da Faculdade Cenecista Presidente Kennedy, no exercício da direção. Tem experiência na área de Administração, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: marketing, promoção e publicidade, mercadologia e logistica.

Alexandre Reis Graeml, Universidade Positivo/Univ. Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Alexandre Reis Graeml holds a Doctor and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (Operations Management and Information Systems Management) from Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV-EAESP), in Sao Paulo. His B.Sc. degree is in Electrical Engineering from the Technological Federal University of Parana (UTFPR). He is a Fulbright fellow and was a visiting scholar at the University of California, at Berkeley.
He is currently an associate professor at the Graduate School of Business of Universidade Positivo and at the IS Department of the Technological Federal University of Parana (UTFPR). He is the editor of Revista Eletronica de Sistemas de Informacao (Information Systems Electronic Journal), under a Creative Commons Attribution License. In 2007/2008 he chaired track ";;;;IT Management in Organizations";;;; for EnANPAD, the leading Brazilian conference on management (, and for EnADI (a conference focused specifically on IT management, also sponsored by ANPAD). He was the chair of the ";;;;Operations management in the new economy and e-commerce";;;; track for the Xth Simpoi/POMS International Conference (2007) and the ";;;;Technology Management";;;; track for the XIth Simpoi (2008). In 2006, he was the scientific coordinator of the III Brazilian Simposium on Information Systems (SBSI).
His research interests involve the Internet's impact on organizations, IS issues in general, supply chain management and internationalization, social research networks, ethics in academia.



Como Citar

Strozzi, V. H., & Graeml, A. R. (2012). The use of traceability information throughout the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry’s supply chain. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (1), 11.


