Implementation of prescriptive maintenance on the factory floor: strategic decision structured in swot analysis




Efficiency, Maintenance 4.0, Prescriptive maintenance, Factory floor


Purpose: The objective of this research is to identify the important factors for implementing the prescriptive maintenance paradigm on the factory floor, considering three main factories as research objects (Company A: Steel; Company B: Mining; Company C: Pulp and Paper), located in the State of Espírito Santo, Southeast Region of Brazil.

Theoretical framework: The implementation of proactive strategies in factories, such as prescriptive maintenance policies, has become increasingly important due to the effects on factory floor productivity and the competitive development of its resources.

Methodology/Approach: The methodological procedures used were the combination of three data collection mechanisms, narrative bibliographic review, document analysis and participant observation. To achieve the general objective, the perceptions of experts and researchers were considered. The contributions arising from the application of SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for the internal and external environments of the factories made it possible to understand the implications for the implementation of Prescriptive Maintenance in the factory floor.

Findings: Two important results emerged from the research, one model of general use that shows the importance of the implications of the SWOT Matrix in the positioning of decision making and another model specific to the context, to assist in the implementation of the proactive process of Prescriptive Maintenance, providing recommendations for managers and professionals who work on the factory floor.

Research, practical & social implications: The results of this study provide valuable information for formulating proactive maintenance policies aimed at increasing the efficiency of physical assets on the factory floor. They also have important practical implications for strategic maintenance management, for example, the SWOT analysis also suggests that implementing the prescriptive maintenance paradigm is not an easy task for any professional and that it is necessary to weigh all opportunities and threats before making any decision strategic.

Originality/ Value: Based on the data obtained, it is presented an academic contribution to the literature on the importance of implementing proactive maintenance policies on the factory floor, expanding and strengthening the theoretical foundation of intelligent maintenance, and also provided management information for decision-making in the process of implementing the Prescriptive Maintenance paradigm.

Keywords: Efficiency; Maintenance 4.;, Prescriptive maintenance; Factory floor.



Biografia do Autor

José Barrozo de Souza, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasil

DTI/CT/UFES, Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514, Campus de Goiabeiras;  29075-910 - Vitória - ES - Brasil
Localização da Secretaria do DTI: Campus de Goiabeiras, CT XII, segundo piso.


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Como Citar

de Souza, J. B., & Santana Rocha, S. M. (2024). Implementation of prescriptive maintenance on the factory floor: strategic decision structured in swot analysis. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, 1.


