Industrial and service marketing strategies: conceptual framework to analyze the impacts of B2B relationship in CNC machines segment
Service Marketing Strategy, Product-Service System (PSS), B2B relations, Industrial MarketingResumo
Purpose: The objective of this study is to propose a conceptual framework on the relationship between the strategic elements of service marketing and industrial marketing elements.
Methodology/Approach: A multi-case study was conducted on four multinational manufacturing companies of machinery and equipment, leaders in the segment in which they operate, and nine business customers, with full participation of 29 professionals. The research was developed analyzing the services’ marketing strategies and their impact on the relationship, commitment, trust, price, cooperation and brand value, from the perspective of manufacturers and client companies.
Findings: The results showed that replacement items prices act directly on the relationship and the perception of the manufacturer's commitment to customers. Commitment and trust can be achieved through transparent and accurate communication, generating greater cooperation between the parties, which contributes to the long-lasting relationship.
Research limitations: The limitations of this study are the reduced number of buyers, in addition to the difficulties of access to large factories.
Practical implications: The study explores the concepts of marketing strategies and marketing B2B. This research proposes a framework on the relationship between the strategic elements of service marketing and industrial marketing elements.
Originality/ Value: There are few academic studies that demonstrate the influence of marketing strategies services in industrial exchanges (B2B). This paper developed a conceptual framework on the relationship between the strategic elements of service and industrial marketing elements, offering nine propositions for future studies.
Keywords: Service Marketing Strategy; Product-Service System (PSS); B2B relations; Industrial Marketing.
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