The influence of chronoanalysis on the delivery of laboratory results in a sugar-alcoholic process
Chronoanalysis, Study of time and movements, Standard time, Process mapping, AnalysisResumo
Objective: The objective of this study is to describe the use of the chronoanalysis technique in laboratory processes of a medium-sized industry in the sugar and alcohol segment and its impacts on process improvement, particularly on the response time of analytical results.
Theoretical Framework: Chronoanalysis is a technique based on the study of times and movements to identify and eliminate activities that do not add value to the process, aiming to optimize time and improve efficiency.
Methodology/Approach: Applied research, with a descriptive objective, based on a case study of a sugar and alcohol plant, addressing qualitative aspects of the quality control sector where it presents the mapping of activities.
Results: The application of chronoanalysis concepts allowed the identification and elimination of aspects that did not add value to the process, resulting in a significant reduction in analysis time by 33.65%. This improved the conditions for delivering results and facilitated the identification of flaws in the product manufacturing process.
Contributions, practical and social implications: The study demonstrated that the application of chronoanalysis can have a positive impact on the efficiency of laboratory processes, reducing the turnaround time for results and contributing to improving quality and efficiency in the sugar and alcohol industry.
Originality/Value: The findings could be highly relevant to other industries wanting to improve their laboratory processes and reduce the risk of non-conformities.
Keywords: Chronoanalysis; Study of time and movements; Standard time; Process mapping; Analyses.
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