Parque Eco-Industrial: Uma discussão sobre o futuro dos distritos industriais brasileiros


  • Décio Estevão do Nascimento
  • Eloy Fassi Casagrande Jr.
  • Ligia Rosalinski Moraes
  • Sidarta Ruthes



The objective of this article is to show the importance of the Eco-Industrial Parks as an instrument for sustainability and their competitive edge in the global economy. It is well-known the fact that the Brazilian industrial districts need to be modernized regarding management and technology, so that they can be able to follow worldwide trends of production. Otherwise, the industries may not be able to compete any longer. In order to perform this study, the exploration method was used to investigate and discuss the implantation of the “Eco-Industrial Park” model management in the Industrial District of Curitiba (CIC), by identifying some industries that can form a closed and sustainable system, where partnership and enterprise cooperation can be established. In this study, it was also possible to identify some industries located at CIC which are complementary. They were able to develop partnerships and cooperation regarding exchange of by-products and industrial residues to be used in their respective productive processes. Key words: Eco-Industrial Parks; Sustainable Development; Technological Prospection.



How to Cite

Nascimento, D. E. do, Casagrande Jr., E. F., Moraes, L. R., & Ruthes, S. (2006). Parque Eco-Industrial: Uma discussão sobre o futuro dos distritos industriais brasileiros. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (1), Pag. 97.


