Environmental risks in a laundry of the slaughtering and meat processing industry


  • Vania Eugênia da Silva
  • Simone Caldas Tavares Mafra
  • Cláudio Mafra
  • Amaury Paulo de Souza
  • Elaine Cavalcante Gomes




Conditions in the work environment contribute to the occurrence of accidents and occupational illnesses, jeopardizing the QLW (Quality of Life at Work) of the workers. In this sense, the objective was to identify the biological, physical and ergonomic risks that a laundry in the slaughtering and meat processing industry offers to them. The biological risks are represented by microorganisms in their dirty clothes and in the air, and the non-utilization of PPE’s (Personal Protective Equipment); the physical risks caused by the temperature, noise and extreme humidity, as well as insufficient ventilation; the ergonomic risks caused by the adoption of incorrect postures, imposed by deficiencies in the equipment and in the environment. These risks are aggravated by the non-existence of standards for the organization in this type of laundry. It is suggested that the training for the workers, installation of an extraction system, better ventilation and cross contamination barriers will lead to better work conditions. Keywords: Work accidents; Environmental risks; Laundry in the slaughtering and meat processing industry.



How to Cite

da Silva, V. E., Tavares Mafra, S. C., Mafra, C., de Souza, A. P., & Gomes, E. C. (2007). Environmental risks in a laundry of the slaughtering and meat processing industry. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (2), Pag. 11. https://doi.org/10.15675/gepros.v0i2.150




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