Factors influencing the return of batteries and post-consumer batteries through reverse logistics: application of a conceptual model


  • Jade Siqueira Mendes Ambrozi
  • Alexandre Borges Fagundes
  • Delcio Pereira
  • Moacyr Carlos Possan Junior
  • Fernanda Hänsch Beuren
  • Luciana Rosa Leite




Logística Reversa, Fatores de Influência, Pilhas e Baterias Pós-Consumo, Cumprimento Efetivo de Normas Ambientais, Gestão do Sistema de Logística Reversa, Questões Comportamentais dos Consumidores


Large-scale production of goods has been growing sharply as a result of the urban lifestyle. As a result of this consumption, around 44 million tons of electrical and electronic waste was registered in 2016 worldwide, with an increase of 8% since 2014. In order to minimize this problem, in this research we studied the relevance of variables that can influence the return of batteries and post-consumer batteries through Reverse Logistics. To identify them, a conceptual model based on the literature was used, considering: aspects inherent to the useful life of the products; effective compliance with environmental standards; consumer behavioral issues; and management of the reverse logistics system. The survey was validated by experts and the results obtained were quantified using statistical methods, to provide a broad and concrete view of opinions individually and jointly. In this way, this research brought as contribution new factors that influence the return of batteries and post-consumption batteries, in addition to the possible interrelationships between them, promoting scientific advancement to the study area within business logistics.




How to Cite

Ambrozi, J. S. M., Fagundes, A. B., Pereira, D., Junior, M. C. P., Beuren, F. H., & Leite, L. R. (2020). Factors influencing the return of batteries and post-consumer batteries through reverse logistics: application of a conceptual model. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, 15(3), 320. https://doi.org/10.15675/gepros.v15i3.2643




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