Propostas de melhoria do projeto pedagógico através do acompanhamento dos egressos


  • Adriana Ferreira de Faria
  • Antônio Claret Rodrigues de Souza Junior



The increase in the number of Production Engineering courses, in the last 6 years, was a response to the market needs by professionals with generalist and systemic background, capable of realizing the interactions among the productive processes variables and optimizing them in order to increase the competitiveness among the enterprises. The formation of high technical and methodological level professionals meeting such needs became imperative. For this reason, it is necessary to propose modern pedagogic projects, which regard the formation of engineers to their competence, considering not only the curricular guidelines, but also the reality and the demand of the job market. The pedagogic project should not be a ready, concluded and untouched document – conversely, it must be a dynamic instrument, constantly reviewed by the faculty, so that it can comprise changes required by the students as well as by the community. One of the ways of evaluating the course efficiency and identify new market needs is through the follow-up of graduates. In this sense, this paper aims at evaluating the current professional situation of the graduates in the Uniminas Product Engineering Course, as well as verifying the course contribution to the formation of these professionals, and identifying the strong and potential improvement aspects for the political-pedagogic project in the course. Keywords: Political-pedagogic project; Engineering teaching; Follow-up of graduates.



How to Cite

de Faria, A. F., & de Souza Junior, A. C. . R. (2007). Propostas de melhoria do projeto pedagógico através do acompanhamento dos egressos. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (1), Pag. 33.


