Journal Management and Funding

The editorial management of GEPROS follows a highly structured process with systematic procedures designed to assist the editor-in-chief, associate editors, reviewers, and authors throughout the editorial process. In addition to the Editorial Board, the journal has an experienced team of administrative support to ensure the publication's quality, timeliness, and adherence to indexing services and ethical committees' requirements, such as Web of Science, Scopus, and COPE Guidelines. The editorial office team (editorial assistants) verifies submissions for originality, formatting standards, and APA guidelines, communicates with authors, reviewers, and editors in regular routines, and generates statistics from various indexing platforms where the journal is present. The journal uses the OJS 3 platform from the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) to manage the peer review process and exports articles in XML format for indexers.


GEPROS is financially supported by the Graduate Program in Production Engineering at São Paulo State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho." This financial support is crucial for the continuity of the journal's publication as it enables the publication to maintain its high quality standards and continue to be an important contribution to the advancement of research in Production Engineering. It is important to highlight that the journal's funding is used to cover a variety of expenses, including the hiring of support staff, infrastructure costs, material acquisitions, and other general expenses necessary for the journal's publication. In this way, GEPROS can continue to be an important reference in the field of Production Engineering and foster scientific research in this area.