Generation of subsidies for decision-making in the Brazilian cattle-raising productive chain.


  • Lorena Vicini
  • Adriano Mendonça Souza



The main purpose of this research was to generate statistical subsidies for a policy of incentive to the beef cattle raising in Brazil and from them to insert the beef cattle production in a quality management system, the PDCA cycle. For this purpose some multivariate analysis techniques were used such as, the Cluster Analysis, which make possible to group categories of similar beef cattle, considering their production and also to verify the oscillations occurred from 1997 to 2000. The Factorial Analysis makes possible to identify the states, which were distinguished nationally within this period, as well as the regional characteristics, that is, the beef cattle category predominant in each state. When identifying the states, which were distinguished nationally, the fat beef cattle price monitoring was performed in these states x using the time series analysis, this way, forecasting their future prices. From the states’ identification and their monitoring, the national cattle breeding was inserted into the PDCA cycle, once the stages used to develop this research constitute the stages of the cycle. Keywords: Cattle breeding; Multivariate Analysis; Monitoring; PDCA cycle; Production.



How to Cite

Vicini, L., & Souza, A. M. (2007). Generation of subsidies for decision-making in the Brazilian cattle-raising productive chain. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (3), Pag. 49.


