Performance analysis of the laboratories in the natural water microbiological analyses proficiency tests performed by the Rio Grande do Sul metrological network


  • Morgana Pizzolato
  • Christine da Silva Reis
  • José Luis Duarte Ribeiro



This article deals with the performance of testing laboratories in proficiency testing (EP) conducted by the Network Metrológica of Rio Grande do Sul (RMRS). The EP are used by laboratories, clients, accreditation bodies and regulatory authorities as a tool for control and verification of the technical capacity of the laboratory. The RMRS, non-profit technical association, has been promoting since 1997 the implementation of programs for the testing of proficiency (PEP). In 2007, fourteen EP will be promoted by RMRS. Among them, destaca PEP in microbiological analysis of natural waters, which is the only one in Brazil, which has the scope to microbiological analysis of natural waters. This article presents the trend of the results obtained by the laboratories participating in the PEPs RMRS of microbiological analysis in natural waters over the years. Keywords: tests of proficiency (EP), performance, testing laboratories, microbiological analysis of natural waters.



How to Cite

Pizzolato, M., Reis, C. da S., & Ribeiro, J. L. D. (2008). Performance analysis of the laboratories in the natural water microbiological analyses proficiency tests performed by the Rio Grande do Sul metrological network. Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (1), Pag. 37.




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