Strategic use of the managerial information system: Petrobrás case study in the business unit of Campos basin (UN-BC)


  • Simone Vasconcelos Silva
  • Jhonathan Boechat Barreto
  • Camila Rangel da Paixão
  • Fernanda do Carmo Silva
  • Lucimara Silva Nogueira



There is a great expectation concerning the applications of the Information Technology (IT), which creates new alternatives of business-oriented strategies and new possibilities for the organizations. In order to evaluate the impacts of the IT on the operations and strategies of the organizations, some focus on its efficacy as well as on the results originated from the IT application regarding the objectives, goals and requirements of these organizations is needed. xx This paper tries to analyze Petrobrás’ Management Information System (MIS) and its impact on the Business Unit of Campos Basin (UN-BC). xx A theoretical survey was performed on IT and MIS discussing some concepts and reporting their importance xx for the organizations. A case study on the role developed by the MIS in the UN-BC is also presented as well as its collaboration for the sustentability of the enterprise. Keywords: Technology, Systems, Information.



How to Cite

Silva, S. V., Barreto, J. B., da Paixão, C. R., Silva, F. do C., & Nogueira, L. S. (2007). Strategic use of the managerial information system: Petrobrás case study in the business unit of Campos basin (UN-BC). Revista Gestão Da Produção Operações E Sistemas, (2), Pag. 133.




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